CCIC 2024 – student quotes
This experience has been sobering, humbling and truly inspiring. When I asked for guidance on how to improve my skills over the next year, I didn’t expect to leave with homework for a lifetime!…I may be leaving a bit dazed, but without a doubt, I’m better than I was before. …I truly loved the sense of community we built together…..I’m eager to see how this newfound knowledge will unfold in both my work and my life
Olena Bykoverts, 2024, UKR, DEU, ENG, RUS
I loved this course and am sad I did not find out about it earlier in my carer…You learn from real “experts in the field”, their experience and teaching are invaluable. I came knowing all my weaknesses, and had feedback on absolutely everything I expected. ….thank you so much for your time and dedication
Daniela Caramutti, 2024, ESP, ENG, DEU
Overall the feedback was excellent, straight to the point, ruthless at times but always uplifting
Student, 2024, Russian group
I loved how different the teachers were, they complemented each other really well. Thank you so much for all the hard work and passion you put into this course. I really appreciate it and think it’s truly exceptional! Punting and Shakespeare were great fun!
Student, 2024, German group
I would like to thank you for accepting me on this wonderful course where I learnt an incredible amount of useful, fundamental information about high-level conference interpreting, and received precious advice from top conference interpreters on how to improve…Thanks to your humour and good mood, combined with professionalism and strictness – displayed by your entire teaching staff – I felt motivated and encouraged throughout the two weeks of the course. To conclude, dear Julia and Chris and all the other wonderful teachers. Thank you very much, from the bottom of my heart, for all your patience, kindness, frankness and professional feedback. I liked the training from A to Z, and all the lovely extra bits!
Marie-Catherine Morteza, 2024, DEU, FRA, ENG
More comments from past years…
I totally understand the recidivists returning twice or even thrice. …In our profession we seldom have the chance to stop and analyse our own performance. Nor do we have the opportunity to receive objective, disinterested feedback from experienced, highly competent colleagues. Cambridge has helped me return to the essentials of our profession. ……There will definitely be a before- and after-Cambridge on my professional path. The course truly is a labour of love by all concerned. You, as course directors, and the dedicated professional teachers give of yourselves, sharing your time and energy with boundless generosity. The course reminded me exactly why I love our profession and the bright, fantastic people who inhabit it.
Bjorn Fossberg, 2023, FR/EN, NOR/UKR/RU
All in all, it was the best course I have ever taken. The quality of professors was outstanding. ….The students were top interpreters and it was very refreshing to work with professionals from other markets. It was very intense and many days my brain was fried, but that’s part of the game. The feedback was one of the best I have ever received, very spot on……..I will recommend it to all my colleagues. I really enjoyed listening to the teachers in the booth.
Brenda Bibiloni-Kreisher, 2023, ES, EN, FR
It is very professional, and it does help, albeit painfully
Anja Lang, 2023, DE, EN, FR
(The CCIC)….was about love, community, belonging, bonding and friendship, as there was an endearing sense of community, support and belonging at the CCIC…Think of a fortnight that’s worth one year of training….during which world-class interpreter trainers – top-notch conference interpreters themselves – show up every morning to work around the clock, getting to listen to hundreds of renditions from 28 conference interpreters who want to bring their game to the next level. Julia and Chris have put together the best well-oiled machine there is on this planet…..The slightest detail has been thought of and taken care of. Attention to detail is at its maximum. Even the two wonderful assistants are always on top of things. How is that even possible? I suspect wizardry. The teachers are fully committed to working hard on each of us and giving us the best advice and tools until they can distill the finest possible version of our interpreting selves. They condense countless years of experience and training into two weeks…..At the CCIC people matter, students matter, as well as our professional goals…
Jany Monroy Trujillo, 2023, ES, EN, FR/IT
I enjoyed the intensity of the course and the way the difficulty level was increasing as the days went by. Personally, getting feedback and trying to follow up on it were the parts I liked most. At the same time, meeting new people, students and teachers alike, sharing our ups and downs, growing together were the true highlights of the course.
Thank you for making it a memorable and learning experience.
Olena Mankovska, 2022, RU, UA, EN
I didn’t just improve as an interpreter. I am now a more well-rounded professional. We all strived to be better than we were the previous day, not to outshine the rest of the group. Regardless of our level, we all have flaws to work on. If you think you don’t, the teachers will be happy to point them out! They don’t pull any punches, and that’s exactly what we need. The course exceeded my high expectations. It’s by far and away the best investment I’ve made in my career. Julia and Chris are outstanding organizers and teachers. The entire teaching team is the cream of the crop. I had a wonderful time and made friends from all over the world. Teachers and students, thank you much for this fantastic course!
Olivier Bertrand Quénette, 2022, FR, EN, ES, PT
The whole course setting was great, we were challenged, we failed, we were lifted up, and all this in a very human and professional way, by teachers I would never have had the chance to meet otherwise. The feedback I received was always adapted to my level, and therefore very useful in order to get better … I have months’ worth of work before me, I have fallen in love with the profession even more. Now I know what to do…
Livia Bartels, 2022, FR, DE, EN
I was asked to work hard, I ended up working too hard but I loved it and that was exactly what I came for, and I loved it.
Camilo Arias Rivera, 2022, ES, FR, EN
The entire Course was wonderful and I’m still overwhelmed. The best? All those challenges in the booth, the individual feedback of all the wonderful teachers. You all were so friendly, welcoming and caring. It was an honor for me to receive feedback from people who work or worked at such high levels. I’m full of admiration for all of you. I also appreciated the Shakespeare and bible classes. In general, I feel that CCIC has a holistic approach and is a “school for life”, not only for interpreting.
Angelika Kappmeyer, 2022, DE, FR, EN
I loved every bit of it. It was very intense and sometimes a bit overwhelming but it was great…….I think that the main teaching behind the course is that it is ok to fail and that all we have to do is try again, you fall and you get up again and you fall again and again you get up and every time you come out stronger and better… This course has given me the guidance I needed to know where and how to improve and now it’s my turn to put all that precious advice in practice.
Patricia de Gispert, 2022, ES, FR, EN
It was excellent overall and the teachers’ hard work/love of the profession was crystal clear. It was also very fun!
Tania Iglesias, 2022, ES, EN, FR
The speeches were more difficult than those we usually deal with at work. As a result, we were always asked to give all we had at all times. I feel that the main goal of the course has been to learn how to cope with all possible scenarios when interpreting… The best aspects were challenging speeches, great teachers and a complete exploration of the profession in all its facets.
Student, 2022
The best aspects of the Course were 1) the highest level of teachers, 2) the taste for English Chris gave me,3) that it all happened at once, and was very dense – it all contributes to a big leap I expect from myself, 4) many leads for the future, 5) fun, drive, sense of happiness, sport, love for our profession.
The Course was so captivating that I generally forgot about screen fatigue!
Diana Voronina, 2021, RU, EN, FR
Good coaches not only guide their trainees through acquiring new and perfecting existing skills but also help them to realize that they are way more capable and resilient than they previously thought and that reaching certain seemingly unattainable performance heights is in fact realistic. The 2021 CCIC instructors’ team lived up to these expectations!
Being coached by such a constellation of star interpreters for two solid weeks is priceless. Take advantage of it while you can. Bringing them together for two weeks is a miracle.
Irina Jesionowski, 2021, RU, EN
I would surely recommend it to anyone as it is a high quality course ran with very genuine interests at heart
Laurence Auffret, 2021, FR, EN
It was really intense, but the content was so varied and full of great information that it never felt too hard.
The best aspects of the Course were f]irst and foremost the organization of the course and the teaching staff. Such high leveled experienced interpreters with so much knowledge and cultural baggage. The content is amazing!
Maria Ines Calle, 2021, ES, EN
Heartfelt thanks to you both, Julia & Chris, for a deeply enriching experience that I will continue to draw from for some time (maybe even years! How’s that for value!). I enjoyed every minute, even though some of it included suffering. Best wishes to you both and thank you for your commitment to raising up the profession (and maintaining humanity, humility, and humor within it!). You brought together a superhuman team that inspired me and for whom I am deeply grateful. We will meet again. Until then, wishing you all the best!
Jeanine Legato, 2021, EN, ES
[The best aspects of the Course were:] the interpretation exercises, general feedback, individual feedback was so helpful,- the tips all interpreters need, marketing, negotiation, interpretation techniques, the availability of the teachers, even the class on Shakespeare was great! the music, the relaxation sessions before lunch, the timings! the people we met. the care and love everyone shared. the support received. team work. and the fact that it was remote as i could afford it this time 🙂
Anonymous student, 2021, FR, EN
Good morning/afternoon/deep night (depending on your circadian rhythms)
The course is almost over. It has been a thrilling experience!!
I have not made much progress per se, but I know EVERYTHING I need to do to get there if I want to join AIIC at some point as an English B. Thank you very much for that!!!!!…It should have lasted longer… but I am not sure I could have survived yet another week…. The expert faculty was very much willing to help in every regard… Thank you for all your hard work and good disposition.
Laura Ordonez-Suarez, 2020, ES, EN
After fourteen days of an intensive emotional, intellectual and dare I say existential rollercoaster, I can proudly say: I feel like a new conference interpreter! Thank you to my teachers, the whole #CCIC team and organizers and of course my dear fellow students, who shared the ride!
Leonie Kreuzer, 2020, DE, EN
…Whilst undoubtedly we would all have preferred to have been learning together in Cambridge, the remote #CCIC 2020 was brimming with opportunities to learn, not just about top flight interpreting, but about technology, tolerance (thank you tech support!), self-expression and empathy. We got so much more than we bargained for. And I’m so very grateful for the experience.
Rebecca Shorrock, 2020, EN, DE, ES, FR
There’s no way I can fairly describe the CCIC. I can merely say that attending the two-week 36th Cambridge Conference Interpretation Course, which was held online for the first time, in 5 different time zones, simultaneously, has been the most intense and eye-opening learning experience of my life.
Huge thanks to Julia, Chris, Eva, Carlos, Lucie, Kate, Patsy, Ann, Ekaterina and every other member of the teaching faculty! Your feedback, thoughts and inputs are invaluable. I now embrace my profession with pride and resilience like never before, and I’m deeply grateful for the possibility I was granted to listen to your comprehensive advice, because CCIC is not only focused on interpreting. But I shall remain silent now, for what happens in Cambridge, stays in Cambridge.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Tamara Dayoub, 2020, ES, EN
The best part of the Course was that it covered all aspects of the work life of an interpreter, not only the performance, but also self-care, further learning and necessary skills for the market… The CCIC has shown me the heights that a good interpreter can and should reach, made it clear the distance between where I am and where I want to be, as well as given me the tools and the mindset I need to travel that distance. What’s more, through the living examples set by the teachers and the well-selected and well-executed extra-curriculars, I am now fully aware that mechanically collecting words, phrases or even knowledge alone is not enough to reach these heights. One needs to unite the head, the voice and the heart, which CCIC has provided me with both guidance on the why and the how, as well as abundant opportunities to practice.
I feel empathy and the sense of responsibility are embodied in every aspect of the course. Thank you, for bearing the torch and nurturing all of us so that we also hold it with pride, dignity and humbleness.
Zhao Wei, 2020, ZH, DE, EN
Impeccably organized, impressive expertise, I loved the variety of extracurricular activities, documents and resources provided.
Jelena Holland, 2020, EN, FR
I really enjoyed this course and I am definitely doing it again in Cambridge next year… The best aspects were getting feedback from amazing teachers, getting to know other colleagues, getting advice on how to improve, practicing a lot of interpreting, learning new techniques and new approaches
Patricia de Gispert, 2020, ES, EN, FR
I can only repeat once again how immensely grateful I am for the experience teaching on this year’s Course………….I was able to meet some of the nicest and most extraordinary human beings, colleagues, fellow teachers that I have ever met and the experience will resonate with me for a long time.
Andrea Wilming, 2020 teacher, DE, EN, ES, FR
First of all, kudos to Chris and Julia for deciding to forge ahead in digital mode. Platforms are here to stay and we may as well try to deal with them on our own terms. This course was excellent training in that sense. I admit I was amazed at the bond with the students, thanks to the myriad channels of communication. In fact the group chats on all platforms… served to bring everyone together in ways we perhaps do not see in Cambridge…
To me, there were certain critical factors that played a role in the success of CCIC this year:
Remarkable planning as always ahead of the course, down to mailing us our boxes.
The trio of admins, as always, too outstanding for words
A felicitous mix of teachers with great verve and dedication
In my language combination, the best crop of students I’ve ever seen at the CCIC.
Ann Goslin, 2020 teacher, EN, ES, FR
“I would like to say thank you so much again that you took me on board as one of the students: it was the most inspiring interpreting course I ever had although it also was the most exhausting and demanding one. The setting, the teachers, my fellow students, the assistants – everyone and everything contributed to this extraordinary experience for me. I learned virtually from everybody in many different ways, and I feel that I made progress in many respects. It’s absolutely true that the “delayed CCIC effect” started to kick in on various occasions already and I’m absolutely delighted with that. Beate Maier, 2019, DE, EN
Most importantly, the Course boosted my self-confidence (interpreting-wise). ). I know I can trust my language skills, my note taking, my analytical skills etc. And that has had a big impact on how I sound. So thank you for that! … My [recent] delegation was very, very happy with my performance….To my great surprise, [the other side’s delegates] also complimented me on my consec performance! So I guess I must have done something right 🙂 And I am firmly convinced that what I did right was applying what I learned in Cambridge 🙂
Carola Garth, 2019, DE, EN, ES
Overall I am very very very happy with the course and also the follow up material provided excellent, well done, chapeau!
Domenico Molina, 2019, IT, EN, FR, ES
What were the best aspects of the Course? Variety of activities, professionalism and dedication of teachers, melting pot of cultures and experiences of both teachers and participants, welcoming atmosphere, team work on all fronts, and basically everything. What were the worst aspects of the Course? .This is a pro and a con at once: there were so many interesting activities during and after the lessons and I did not want to miss them, but could not cope with everything. I don’t wish there were less, but I wish those days had 36 hours!
Manuela Gho, 2019, IT, EN, ES
I arrived really not knowing what to expect. It turned out that working with you has been hugely valuable. I already knew what my weak points were, and here I was able to get very specific information on how to improve – and I was able to make tangible progress even during the time I was here. I was also inspired, because I remembered what I love about the profession, and I was able to see professionals from different parts of the world. Overall it’s a great experience!
Ksenia Speranskaya, 2019, RU, EN, FR
The most valuable thing about the CCIC was your feedback and your very targeted recommendations. Usually we get very abstract comments from clients or colleagues, but this was very specific. That was truly the best, and I now have a specific program of what to do over the next 6 months to a year to improve, and more importantly, how to do it.
Nataliya Turovska, 2019, RU/UK, EN, SP
First of all, thank you both for organizing this course every year. Arranging and coordinating it all must have been very time-consuming and truly exhausting, therefore I really appreciate your efforts – and I know I am not the only one. I thought the organisation was excellent, down to the emails we got with more information and documents…
Overall, I really enjoyed the course. It was very tiring and fast-paced, but quite rewarding. Working alongside a group of extremely nice people really helped, and I was pleasantly surprised by how approachable, knowledgeable and overall nice the trainers were. I fully appreciated their willingness to help and guide you in the right direction…
Andrea Alvisi, 2018, IT, EN, FR, RU
It was a real privilege and a great honor to attend CCIC 2018. Julia thank you so much for organizing everything at the very last minute! Thank you so much for everything! I loved the course. You are both incredible!
Izaskun Galdos, 2018, ES, EN, FR
I can only say that you had warned us, prior to the course, that life would never be the same. I quote: « We confidently predict that your CCIC experience will not leave you unscathed, and that you will subsequently emerge blinking onto the sunlit uplands of your post CCIC reality, forever changed and well equipped to face your interpreting future…» Oh well… it goes even beyond that.
The teaching faculty’s unfailing positive spirit, benevolent attitude and requirements of excellence have opened forever the gateway to confidence, trust, professionalism and shared human values. I felt surrounded by a synergy of good will and exceptional personalities, as if I was lifted and carried up to embrace with pride and confidence the profession of Conference Interpreter. I felt that eventually I could fulfill my dream and belong to my true professional family. I am so grateful to you, Dear Julia and Chris, for making this happening in my life.
Nathalie Reuzé, 2018, FR, EN, RU
I am short of words to express my appreciation and gratitude to you all for the memorable and wonderful times we had together in Cambridge. To be taught by you and numbered among your students was such a rare privilege that I will forever cherish.
Immense thanks for your acts, sense and spirit of selflessness.
Stephen Ajagbe, 2018, EN, FR
It took me a while to get over my jet lag and to rest after the course. Now, that I’m back to my senses, I would like to thank you both for organising the course and for making it so rich, intense and energetic. Both of you are wonderful, and I’m happy I had the opportunity to meet you!
Elena Kucherenko, 2018, RU, EN
I have been in the booth mostly every week since I get back from the CCIC and at first it was like I could realize what I must change but couldn’t get it right or understand how could I still be doing this or that after all I have learned. I kept forgetting things about this new way you taught us of arriving at an event and absorbing everything, of acting in the booth and, in a nutshell, of being an interpreter.
Until… yesterday and this morning when magic started happening while working in an international event with French, Spanish and English. I feel like… how to put it? A change of perspective? I feel I am not seeing the job from the same angle anymore, that I moved to a new place almost, I think differently, looking to make sense instead of making sentences and feeling myself ‘everywhere’ effortlessly (focusing on the speech, on the console switches, on the material we have, on…, well ‘to absorb’ truly seems to be the perfect verb to describe it).
Nathalie Greff-Santamaria, 2018, FR, ES, EN
I’d also like to use this opportunity to thank you again – the CCIC was a great experience, both professional and personal. I could not imagine a short course so “packed” with useful information, practical skills, highly professional people, various experiences, beautiful places, socialising, etc., etc. Thank you for the tremendous amount of expertise, effort and energy!
Irina Malmberg, 2018, RU, EN, FI
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to you, for your passionate and hands-on lectures. As I mentioned in the email to Julia earlier, I have been revisiting what I had written down during your classes, going through your slide decks by my side.
The more I read, the more I realise how invaluable the lessons and experience that you provided me. Your clear and extremely pragmatic advice, caveats and tutelage will remain with me and continue to motivate me, for the longest time.
I am still in awe of your professional commitment, and I still am overwhelmed by the relentless efforts that you must have put in all these years, as a leading Conference Interpreter and as an esteemed director of such an exceptional course with an unrivaled quality and care.
My perception towards the profession has been shaken and overturned. I can feel the reconstruction process started inside me. I already feel differently. It might take a while till the dust settles, but I know I will see things even more differently. Thank you very much, Chris, for this opportunity and accepting me to observe the course. I gained so much more than being an observer.
Rie Hiramatsu, 2018, JP, EN
I am proudly telling you about this week’s job experience because since we started on Monday, I noticed a difference in my performance, after the CCIC: better tips for note taking learnt from Julia, better way of summarizing parts of speeches learnt from Chris and Philip, more attention on the English accent and pronunciation learnt from Julia, Philip, Lina, Beatriz and Marie, etc….
Great thanks for the capacity building you provided to us during these preciously profitable CCIC weeks.
Antoine Zoundi, 2017, FR, EN
Je voulais vous remercier, une nouvelle fois, pour votre temps, votre bienveillance, votre patience infinie et vos précieux conseils… Your commitment, sense of humour, patience, dedication, generosity, « bienveillance », professionalism, passion and the list could go on until the end of the page.
Encore un grand merci pour tout, du fond du cœur !
Cristina Fernandez Garcia, 2017, ES, FR, EN, IT
I really appreciate all the feedback I received from my teachers who were really supportive and patient.
Annick Marmisolle Daguerre, 2017, ES, EN, FR
I loved being part of this adventure, meeting the teachers who accomplished so much and are sharing everything they know, really inspired and motivated me. It can be tough to face our fears and acknowledge our weaknesses, but thanks to the support and encouragement I think I am on my way to overcome them.
Chris and Julia, you organized this beautifully – THANK YOU!
I learned so much during these two weeks. I will never forget everything you have done for us, the classes, the feedback and also the weekend activities taught me a lot about what it means and what it takes to be an excellent interpreter.
Géraldine Leblanc, 2017, FR, EN
The teaching faculty, Marie-Jeanne and Xiang, the friends, family and colleagues you reeled in to support you in this endeavor(u)r to raise the bar for us personally and the profession at large, quite simply BLOW ME AWAY! My undying respect and thanks.
Devi Kataja, 2017, EN, DE
Je vous suis infiniment reconnaissante! Merci du fond du cœur de m’avoir acceptée dans ce cours qui a changé ma vision de l’interprétation et donné un sens à mon avenir. Merci pour votre soutien.
Nolwenn du Fou de Kerdaniel, 2017, FR, EN, ES
What you do is so great that I find it difficult to find the right words to express my gratitude. You touched my heart and inspired me to work hard to be better, which is priceless. Thank you for sharing your passion!
Yuliya Makhrova, 2017, RU, EN
No words are strong enough to say how much I appreciated this training, both at a professional and a personal level. Thank you for organizing it, we realize how much work goes into it, well… maybe not (as Chris pointed out), but the impact of this training is deep.
thank you, thank you, thank you,
Célia Dupland, 2016, FR, EN, IT
I would like to thank you once more for the possibility to attend…the course. It was a great pleasure to know you, the teachers and the wonderful students of the course. All these people together created an unbelievable energy and dedication to the profession, truly as you said, one of the most stressful in the world…I hope to meet you again, wonderful people!
Tatiana Lukyanskaya, 2016, RU, EN
CCIC course is an eye-opening experience for me. With so many details to attend to, it is a real wonder that the course went so smoothly. One cannot but admire the excellent organization of the course. Your passion, energy and thoughtfulness are amazing. I am deeply touched.
Gao Jiangning, 2016, ZH, EN
First and foremost, I miss you all.
Thank you for giving me a great opportunity to get to know all of you, and (last, but not least) better to know myself. Concerning our experience together I really do not subscribe to the point of view “this too shall pass”, expressed by the ancient Persian poets. For me, “this” will remain, because “this” became a part of who I am.
Levan Totosashvili, 2016, RU/KAT, EN, NL
I can’t thank you, Chris and all the teaching faculty enough for the amazing learning experience. It was inspiring in so many ways and gave me so many ideas on how to continue working on my skills. I think I have enough “homework” cut out for me for months based on all the feedback, advice and learning techniques that were introduced during the course.
Feedback: the way it was given was very constructive and encouraging. Many practical tips on what to do about my shortcomings
Very high professional level of the teachers. It’s a unique chance to learn from people I wouldn’t even have a chance to meet in my normal professional life
Darya Kirienko, 2016, RU, EN, ES
I don’t even know where to begin to thank you both for these two amazing weeks in Cambridge! It was an absolutely fascinating and exhausting experience, I’ve been sleeping non-stop for the past three days… I was dumbfounded by the attention you paid to details, hugely impressed by the quality of the course and overwhelmed by your generosity and kindness; you made us all feel so at home and your passion was contagious!
I arrived full of apprehension and left with a spring in my feet, even though I felt I’d spent two weeks in a tumble dryer, going from highs to lows….you have hugely boosted my confidence and helped me look forward to, rather than fear, my change of career. And, above all, thanks for all the laughs, the CCIC was really great fun! A million thanks for this wonderful experience.
Yves-Michel Riols, 2016, FR, EN
As was always the case in the past, Julia and Chris did it again! They created a wonderful atmosphere of serious work, fun and bonding. I was touched by the gratitude expressed by all the students. Tears were shed at times during the course, but I have never experienced so much crying when the time came to say farewell!
Claudia Martin-Stern, teacher, IT, EN, DE, FR, ES
I said it before, and I’ll say it again: I came back from the CCIC being not just a better interpreter, but also a better person. I admire you infinitely, not just because of your amazing interpreting skills, the fact that you and Julia have become yourselves an institution in the world of conference interpretation, or the fact that you’ve probably changed several lives the same way that you’ve changed mine. But also because of how kind, good-hearted and generous you are.
You really made me reflect on the type of interpreter I want to be, but also on the type of person I want to be. I am incredibly fortunate to have met you, and for that, I assure you, I am thankful every single day.
Ana Maria Correa, 2016, ES/EN, FR
…l’immense générosité et de l’amour qui te (qui vous!) caractérisent, et que nous avons ressentis tout au long du CCIC. J’admire énormément la passion, le dévouement et, devrais-je dire, la foi qui vous animent dans cette folle entreprise, ainsi qu’un certain goût pour la torture, incontestablement…!!! Qui aime bien, châtie bien, tout compte fait! Et, pour ma part, je suis volontaire pour être la victime à nouveau…
Blague à part, notre participation au CCIC, depuis nos premiers échanges jusqu’à notre dernière accolade, ont été un formidable clin d’oeil du destin, une de ces aventures qui te rappellent en permanence qu’il existe une voie sur laquelle il suffit de se laisser guider, et que ça marche tant qu’on fait de son mieux pour avancer. Even if it takes a Scandinavian Double Flick (and the odd crash…) from time to time… Alors, ne serait-ce que pour cette expérience quasi mystique qui nous a été donné de vivre, MERCI, mon ami. Ton travail et celui de Julia sont admirables. Un vrai, grand morceau d’humanité.
Sébastien Longhurst, 2016, FR, ES/EN, PT
This place is magic, and the experience has been so enriching. Thank you again – I feel like I’ve been really taken care of….
Eva Bruno, 2016, IT, EN, FR
The course was a unique event for me, with wonderful and helpful teachers, friendly and diverse students, who are already excellent professionals, impeccable organization, fine venue and a great city.
I am sure it will help me become a better interpreter.
Mikhail Surin, 2016, RU, EN
I was greatly satisfied with the course, it by far exceeded my expectations. I definitely met the objectives I set for myself before attending the course and then some. I can definitely say that there is a before and after CCIC for me as an interpreter…I definitely feel like I have improved and I have gotten great feedback from colleagues and clients since I’ve been back at work…[Between practicing] all the great techniques we have learned at CCIC and the personal time we are committing to put in to improve our craft I think we are heading in the right direction, and we have you to thank for that.
Rita Bennani, 2015, EN, FR, ES
Tatiana Kaplun, 2015, RU, EN, FR
I loved most people’s readiness and eagerness to help, as well as their interest in learning from others. Some of the teachers attended the “theory” sessions delivered by others, and that sort of humility from that level of professionals is something I had not even dreamt of. Come to think of it, the level of the faculty is an absolute pleasure and a luxury. It all becomes very natural after a day or two, but when I think about the people whom I interpreted for I cannot believe it. I mean, I live in Argentina…I had heard of them all countless times, but never thought I would meet them or that they would take the time to listen to me and help me improve. That, I think, is rare…Chris can be hard (sorry, it must be said), but at the same time I objectively think it is great to find someone who will judge you by such high standards because that’s what the real world is like. I cannot say how one person can be so adorable and loveable and yet make half the class cry!…
Camila Oeyen, 2015, ES, FR, EN
The best aspects of the Course were the very constructive … feedback and the availability of the teachers, as well as their readiness to adapt their feedback to each student’s level and circumstances…I received invaluable advice from several teachers as to [how to improve] and am extremely grateful for that advice as well as for their kindness! Thank you!!!
Elena Zinger, 2015, EN, RU, FR
The best aspects of the Course were the excellent teaching staff, individual and insightful feedback, erudite lectures, and the friendly and positive atmosphere…Thank you for the unforgettable experience and for being so kind to me. Thanks to you I now value my profession even more.
Antuanetta Arakelyan, 2015, RU, EN, FR
Well, I quite frankly don’t know how to express my appreciation and joy. The CCIC experience was simply breathtaking. To be honest, before leaving for the course, I felt rather uncomfortable, because having attended these weekend classes of [Chris and Julia’s], I knew all too well that I would be heading for two weeks of permanent feedback, self-examination and conscious overload. The following day, however, when crossing the entrance gate of Christ’s College, I sensed immediate relief and confidence. I realized instantly that everything was taken care of…Thank you for getting all these wonderful people involved! Thank you also for not neglecting a single detail so we could make the most of every moment inside and outside the conference room. To future participants, I would like to suggest that leaving their comfort zone will lead to al sorts of inspiring, humbling and encouraging gifts. That’s at least how I felt about it. Now, I am trying to figure out how to live up to these gifts. Thank you for your generosity!
Anna Horstmann, 2015, DE, EN, FR, PL
CCIC 2015 was not only an intensive conference interpretation course. It is a life changing event.
I am not afraid anymore. I keep thanking you and Chris in my head for investing your precious time and positive energy into the course. I am sure we are all going to change after CCIC 2015.
Asel Zelenina, 2015, RU, EN
I’d like to thank you both once again for the very enriching course. I think I only realize now how it changed my life and my work.
Every day when I’m going to Brussels by train I have my iPhone and am listening to the BBC World Service.
I discovered also the CCTV and RT television channels which are very useful for additional world news next to CCN and hear different viewpoints.
Julia, I often remember the …colleague who said : as an interpreter we work many days but are only paid some of them…
Of course I do remember many other comments you and Chris (and the other teachers) made, that’s what makes your course so unforgettable.
I wish I had more than 24 hours/day…
Brigitte de Bruyn, 2015, NL, FR, EN
I can’t thank you enough for organizing this course. It was my Dream Come True and you made it better than I could have imagined. From day one you made my experience exceptional. I will long remember your passion, professionalism and enthusiasm and you’ll be my guiding light in the years to come. Thank you!
Weronika Gasperczyk, 2014, POL, EN, RU
My favourite Russian poet J.Brodsky wrote: “What gets left of a man amounts to a part. To his spoken part. To a part of speech” (Chris, see how you influence people! I’m quoting!). This line came to me when I was flying back home, beyond exhausted. I realized that each of you left me enlightening “parts of speech”, tools and strategies, so now I’m armed, skilled and dangerous))) Thank you for the knowledge, thank you for the challange, thank you for the inspiration! I came back home a better interpreter. I truly believe the CCIC was my best experience and investment in 2014.
Violetta Tolmacheva, 2014, RU, EN, IT
You two run an incredible course, I enjoyed it so much. And let me tell you, us “allophones” can get as much out of it as the A language students. The general feedback is extremely useful, the teaching staff is unparalleled, the extras are amazing. And you are all so generous, offering your time and expertise to help develop other interpreters.
Tania Penido Sampaio, 2014, PT, EN, ES
@VillanuevaJL: Contento con este curso en Cambridge. Exigente, profesional, ameno y orientado a que te vuelvas a hacer 🙂 Hoy FR, IT y DE al ES. I’m happy!
Facebook: Se ha marchado Gigi, ultimo bastión de la cabina española, y hace instantes he dejado Sarah en la estación y he vuelto caminando al hotel. Mañana a Londres. Se agolpan tantas cosas en la cabeza y en el alma. El hotel que fuera ocupado por CCIC 2014 durante dos semanas hoy está en silencio, letárgico. Hoy no preparo discursos para mañana, reparo en sentimientos y emociones intensas que me hicieron crecer, pensar, sufrir, replantear, gritar, llorar, reir, soñar y valorar más mi vida y mi profesión. Gracias a todos en CCIC pero en especial a Paco, Sarah, Gillian y Gigi. Gracias totales a las mentoras Beatriz, Loreto y Patsy.
Jose Luis Villanueva Senchuk, 2014, ES, EN
I’m happy to say Cambridge brought me nothing but tears of joy and excitement, which are always the best kind. CCIC gave me more than I could have ever asked for, great friends and wonderful mentors who filled me with new professional hopes and ambitions and really broadened my horizons. If I could sum up my Cambridge experience in one word, it would be ‘edifying.’
Facebook: Una experiencia transformadora. Dos semanas que me llevo tatuadas en el alma.
Ghislaine Margarita, 2014, ES, EN
Thanks a lot, teachers acted like parents – they were caring, correcting, explaining, criticizing, doing just the right things to improve our skills.
Julia Krivkina, 2014, RU, EN
Highly competent and dedicated teaching staff. A special thank you to the German section and the English As, who made a real effort to give us both perspectives on our performance. It was also a good mix of experience and backgrounds in the group.
Laura Keller, 2014, DE, EN, FR
This Course is the best experience any interpreter (especially a young one) could ever imagine. Thank you all!
Chiara Bogetti, 2014, IT, EN, FR
The Course exceeded my initial expectations. Receiving feedback and advice from such a wonderful team of teachers is certainly an honour.
Maria Elena Sevillano Gracia, 2014, ES, EN, FR
I’d like to thank all of the teachers who were “cruel to be kind” to me, I really appreciated it and as I have said more than once you were very inspirational to me. It’s funny that in the wake of the intense tornado we’ve all been in, I keep remembering someone saying “They don’t know what’s going to hit them” lol.
Henrique Cotrim, 2013, PT , EN/ES, IT/FR
You deserve a great THANK YOU for everything you have done for the course, both students and “faculty”, but also and especially for the wonderful atmosphere you have been able to create for all of us. You have given us a sense of belonging
Claudia Martin-Stern, 2005 and Course Director, IT, EN, FR/DE/ES
So many different personalities and styles and yet somehow everyone came together to make up one true message of hard work and inspiration. Much like with interpreting, we had the individual words (the dreaded mot by mot!) and the main message: I learned so many individual things from each of you, and am left with a macro-message of generosity, professionalism and perseverance.
Ashley Nuñez-Sheriff, 2013, EN/ES, FR
Once more I would like to thank you for the wonderful two weeks of the CCIC. It has been an amazing experience and a great source of inspiration. I could never have imagined that I would meet such wonderful people. For all your efforts, you deserve my eternal gratitude. You have managed to set up a highly professional and demanding course full of marvellous people…
Regina Schmidt Rio-Valle, 2013, ES, EN/FR/DE/PT
I want to say that these past two weeks have been amazing. I feel honored to have had the chance to meet all of you and to have worked by your sides. I also think I am going to sleep for five days solid as soon as I get [home] tomorrow.
The CCIC was an extraordinary experience, thanks to the colleagues, the kind, thoughtful dedicated teachers, the wonderful staff who kept us in coffee and biscuits (and the espresso machine), the brilliant assistants (also great breakfast companions!) and Chris and Julia who went out of their way to make sure all went smoothly.
Claudine Carpenter, 2013, FR, EN, ES
I came to meet colleagues and teachers, and as each week went by, the stress went up, alongside my admiration of certain colleagues, and curiously even some enjoyment was mixed in…It is not really surprising that I have the feeling that we leave as friends – even family – and that is due in no small part to the efforts by Chris and Julia to welcome us and make us feel at home… But whatever happens, you will remain engraved in my memory in this week, the best, the craziest, the most intensive and ultimately the most enjoyable fortnight of my life
Mark Willan, 2013, EN, FR/IT, DE
It was indeed fantastic to meet all of you, and the teaching staff, as you have all, in one way or another, had an influence on the course of my interpreting life.
Nathalie Heynderickx, 2013, EN, FR, NL
As you may already know by now I am a tennis player, or at least used to be one, and many times I compare my personal experiences to a tennis match. I came to England to take part of one the toughest tennis tournaments, not Wimbledon but CCIC tournament. The good news is that I was very lucky because the best tennis coaches were there as well, looking for the new stars of this game and they helped me. Those coaches were very supportive and shared with me all the experience they have. Those coaches are experts, they can play against any one, they have the guts to calmly assess their opponent during the first game of the match and decide what will be the best strategy to beat the one on the other side of the net. This was a great experience but a very painful one for me….Thanks to all your help, patience, hugs, kisses, advice I have the strength I need to keep on trying. You can be sure that, in the future, every time I win a match, I will dedicate my VICTORY!!! to you all.
Maria Garcia, 2013, ES, PT, EN
I apologize for my delay in writing to you, but I have to confess that, after I finished our beloved 2013 CCIC, the first thing I did was breathe an enormous sigh of relief and think: “Thank God it’s Friday 16th and it’s over!”
The second was: “Damn it, I’m actually MISSING it…already!?!”.But I immediately attributed this bizarre feeling to the well-known Stockholm Syndrome and decided the best thing to do was to turn to one of the best known defense mechanisms, that is, denial…and try to forget my trauma. So off I went…
Nevertheless the first days of September saw me back …and something “creepy” started to take hold of me…I began to look for CCIC photos, saying to myself “I’m just tidying things up” (I NEVER tidy anything up, if I can possibly avoid it)…I went on reviewing speeches, lessons…and finally I had to admit the obvious truth: this “ordeal” was one of the best learning and sharing experiences I’ve ever had and I feel compelled to tell you and thank you for your crucial part in it.So: THANK YOU very much indeed and I hope to meet you again (either as a repeat offender or on some other occasion…)!
Grazia Sanna, 2013, IT, ES, EN
What I did not expect from the course was the great camaraderie and the sheer number and quality of teachers. It is worth every penny – you put so much into it.
Sally Winch, 2012, En, It
Chris, mon frère,
Je suis encore séduit par ton sens du professionalisme en recevant ces commentaires. I really appreciate! The course has been extremely useful and I wish I could come over every year. Thanks again for the excellent coaching and the friendly ”ambiance”.
Mamadou Diallo, 2012, Fr, En
I keep telling everybody how much I enjoyed the course and how much it helped me! So thank you again! What were the best aspects of the Course? The energy and motivation shown by everybody (teachers and students alike), the amount of work, the comments, both general and personal, the teachers’ availability. I thought the course was fantastic and gave me everything I needed, both in terms of skills and self-confidence. I also appreciated the fact that I could speak to other professionals than my own colleagues and ask for their advice and opinion (students + teachers). The comments I received were very constructive and helped me progressing a lot; I was able to use most of what I was told during the very next speech and try it out.
Eugénie Hugo, 2012, Fr, En, Dk
Thank you for all you do, in every sense. I am still having dreams about the CCIC booths : )
Melinda Gonzalez-Hibner, 2012, Es, En
I must say that I feel privileged and proud to have worked with… all the teachers and my fellow students. I am very grateful for everything that you taught me during the course, which is a lot. I have started using my newly acquired knowledge and professional attitudes during this “rentrée”… In general, I am convinced that you helped me indeed to become a better, i. e. a more professional, interpreter. Moreover, you encouraged me to continue working hard in order to become better and to pursue my main goal… The course was, all in all, an enriching, encouraging, although sometimes sobering, experience, that has already helped me and will continue to help me in my professional life. All my expectations were met, and even more than that….I learnt so much more, among other things, about fortitude, endurance, tenacity, patience, going over the top sometimes, getting to know my limits, managing my fatigue and good humour in the face of stress, and much, much more.
Pascal Heinsohn, 2012, De, Fr, En/Es
It has helped me identify my shortcomings, and has given me the boost i needed to focus on my career from a more professional point of view. I have higher and more determined aspirations now, and, at the same time, I feel I have the necessary tools to reach my goals.
Maria Colera, 2012, Es/Esk, En/Cat
…the teaching staff’s passion and enthusiasm, their conscientiousness, the seriousness of the course and high expectations regarding preparation and booth performance as well as the general collegiality and sense of humour. The variety of subjects and languages made for a stimulating cultural melting pot. I very much benefited from the experience I gained working with so many languages and learning to manage a console in relay.
Elizabeth Dadoun, 2012, Fr, En
I would love to write down something that helps you for future courses…I was so happy and satisfied with the course. I enjoyed every single day and there is nothing I can say that would help you to improve the course. The “teachers” were very good and experienced: they gave their feedback honestly and it was always constructive. The speeches were well chosen with a big range of topics and levels of difficulty. The extracurricular classes were interesting and I learned a lot….You taught me a lot and I am grateful for every day that I spent in the course. I am sure that will help me a lot for my future as interpreter.
Alexandra Schnitzer, 2012, De, En/Fr/Es
This course is the best and probably the only anti-complacency activity for interpreters. I think every professional interpreter must attend CCIC at least once.
Ulugbek Yusupov, 2012, Ru, En
Everything was FABULOUS: we felt immediately welcome, the opening dinner is a very good idea to break the ice and the opening session was very useful…For what interpretation is concerned, it is the best course I’ve ever done!! CONGRATULATIONS AND MANY THANKS!!!
Lucie Solem, 2012, Fr, Es, En/De/Pt
My goal in coming here was to improve my skills, and improve them I did. I’m leaving with a much clearer picture of what I need to work on and a whole new set of friends. I also gained some new insights into the way interpretation works… I liked the variety of exercises (speeches read by profs, speeches on video, guest speakers, whispered simo, consecutive) and I especially liked the practical workshops… Chapeau to all the teachers and support staff who were very caring and helpful! I’ll recommend this program to others.
Jeff Staflund, 2012, En, Fr
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to come and experience CCIC. It was SO enriching, inspiring and educational. As you know, I live in a beautiful place, but it is so NOT conference interpreter-land. I was thirsty for growth, and you certainly pointed me, no, pushed me, in the right direction. What you do is awesome, and what the rest of the instructors do is incredible. The course is well planned and executed, the materials rich and challenging, and the program offers intellectual adventures of every sort. The only downside for me was that I did not have enough time or gray matter to take advantage of it all. Thank you, for an experience of a life time.
Melinda Gonzales-Hibner, 2012, En/Es
The course was an unforgettable experience of which it is difficult to describe the huge impact right now… it was really fun! I enjoyed every minute of the course.
Vicky Rebori, 2011, Es, En/Pt, Fr
It was a real privilege and pleasure to meet you; the course was just what I needed to find the tools that will help me improve my retour into English, and I had loads of fun.
Sophie Louyot, 2011, Fr, En, Es
I will have nothing but praise for the CCIC and you the organisers and the teachers…Once again, thank you very much for your selfless efforts towards the CCIC and its success.
Jean-Marie Ntigurirwa, 2011, Kin/Swa, Fr, En
The CCIC was a wonderful experience and in the month since the course I have often been thinking of the good advice and suggestions I received from….the teaching staff. I shall try my best to put them all into practice.
Pierluigi Quattordio, 2011, It, En, Fr/Es
Thank you once again for this fantastic course, knowledge, dozens of new opportunities in my life and career, and all the people I have met and made friends with!!!
Yuliya Denysyeva, 2011, Uk/Ru, En, De
Thanks ever so much for the fun, your senses of humour, your patience and for taking the trouble to pass on your wisdom to us ‘lesser interpreters’ without making us feel too inadequate!!! Thanks for giving us so much of your time! For me the course format was exactly what I would have wished for… I’ve felt so motivated after these 14 days of full immersion in the world of interpreting. It couldn’t have been more enlightening, entertaining, fun (and tough, of course). I now know what I’ve got to work on, but also what I’m good at (which also helps) – it’s really been a fresh start for me
Mechthild Blöhm, 2011, De, En, It
Thank you for organizing the course; you bring huge amounts of energy and passion to the course, and they are things you cannot put a price tag on.
James Norman, 2011, En, Fr, Es
I was very happy with the course; In the beginning it might seem a bit expensive – well it is in fact – but definitely worth every penny, above all considering the dedication of the organizing and teaching staff. I started the course aware that it would be very demanding and also that I would go home with a lot of ‘homework’ to do. What I did not expect was to get a new ‘spurt of motivation’ and enthusiasm I hadn’t felt in a while, so thank you for that!!! I also didn’t think that I would find so many interesting fellow interpreters; I must admit, going home was really sad, so thank you again for the wonderful experience!
Antonella Mariotti, 2011, It, De, En
“What makes the course different is that it is made with love up to the smallest detail.”
Veronika Westphal, 2010, De, Fr, En, Es
“Cambridge is great and it is nice to stroll around after the course and over the weekend. Conclusion: it was very useful indeed and I cannot wait to get back home and start working on the aspects highlighted by teaching staff!”
Maria de la Rubia, 2010, Es, En, De, It
“It was great to be with you and I will recommend this course to everybody!!! Thank you for everything”
Benita Von Engel, 2010, De, It, Es, En
“Please let me thank you again for all the effort and commitment you have put into this year’s CCIC course. I enjoyed it very much and feel it has been most useful to me”
Jorge Ferrer Deglmann, 2010, Es/De, En, Fr, It, Cat
“I have to confess that I was impressed with what I saw at the CCIC…I would like to commend the organizers for allowing people from various backgrounds to interact for a fortnight. This, indeed, is one of the highest positives of the CCIC. I hope you still have the strength and desire to carry on with this wonderful endeavour, which is highly beneficial to people like me”
Justin Badou, 2010, Fr, En, Es
“We were tortured into exceeding ourselves, but it was for our own good! Joking aside, the course is very intense and implies a lot of hard work…You can learn a lot of things that are really useful in your job as an interpreter, and the image of yourself that you get by the end of the course is accurate and helpful. You actually have a roadmap to better interpreting”
Liliana Burda, 2010, Ro, En, Ru
“Thank you for organizing such a wonderful course! It was a true pleasure to know you and work with both of you. The course was extremely well organized and I enjoyed every minute of it. All the teachers were very attentive, polite, and honest with their feedback. I feel that I left Cambridge with very clear objectives and goals for the near future; this was exactly what I wanted. I can’t thank both of you enough for your kindness, ‘positiveness’ and good energy”
Leyre Carbonell, 2010, Es, En, Fr
« Many thanks, again, for what has been an incredible two weeks of interpreting with professionals. I learned a lot and felt whatever criticism was generated was valid and constructive. I felt motivated by the presence of colleagues and superb teachers…It’s been a massive learning curve for me, and I’m only realising now that I’ve made giant steps in terms of technique and language. It was fantastic!”
Olivier Wittezaële, 2009, Fr, En
“Thanks again to Julia and Chris for all your efforts, preparation and work for this outstanding course. I can’t possibly imagine there could be a better course of its kind anywhere in the world”
Laia Sanmartí, 2009, Es, En, Fr
“I want to thank all the teachers and all the students for making this course really special. It takes a particular alchemy of people, places, feelings and conditions to make something really special”
Gabriella Verdi, 2009, It, En, Es
“I too would like to thank all of you for making it such an instructive and memorable two weeks. I have since dreamt about the CCIC a number of times, so it seems to have made a lasting impression on my psyche! In particular, I would like to thank the teaching staff who gave so generously of their time and energy and were so enthusiastic in their mission to make us better interpreters”
Kate Adams, 2009, En, De
“The overall impression was that the course was a brilliant experience…and it was, thanks to you all. Thanks again for everything, the energy, the availability, the warmth and kindness…not to mention erudition and competence!!”
Naomi Apfelbaum-Lubek, 2009, Fr, En, Es
“I feel the course was marvelous, it made me realize there is so much to learn, so much to improve. I loved the passion of the teachers and everyone to make the best of this course. I got by far more than what I had expected. It was just excellent!…You are so professional, so valuable with such great qualities. Thank you, thank you, thank you… CCIC is just priceless. Painful, but an experience to be cherished forever”
Rebecca Serviansky, 2009, Es, En
“I would like to add to the wave of thanks you received recently following your course. I am in the process of assimilating the extensive sources of valuable information I received from you throughout the course. I m sure these seeds will bear good fruits for all of us. Personally I appreciated your passion, I must admit quite unusual after so many years of career…The networking has been great!! …this fortnight has been really ‘special’ in any sense….the experience and friendship bonding was beyond my anticipation”
Anna-Rita Giammetta, 2009, It, Es, En
“I’ve never been to any course that was so well organised and professional as the CCIC. I could see and feel every day how much thought and consideration you had put into the content of the course… Your humorous and motivating approach was something I appreciated very, very much…During the CCIC, I collected so much food for thought as to how to improve my interpreting skills…that it will last me for years to come.”
Johannes Weber, 2008, De, En
“Enjoyed it a lot, extremely interesting, though very, very tired at the moment! Want to thank you all very much; I’m touched by your commitment and kindness”
Fiorenza Timmer, 2008, It, Nl, En
“Teachers are wonderful persons and a great inspiration! Whole package was wonderful, very enjoyable and inspiring.”
Ricarda Gras, 2008, De, En
“I have the feeling I’ve made one of the best investments ever (time, money), plus I met nice colleagues. I thank you for the two exhausting but great weeks!”
Brigitte Antoine, 2008, FR, EN
”I appreciated : the philosophy of the course : create difficult situations, not to discourage or humiliate the students, as happens in some schools, but to learn how to cope with difficulties ; the atmosphere of the course, full of energy, passion for the job, and human.”
Stéphanie Moreau, 2008, Fr, It, En, De
“Thank you again for an incredible time and for the opportunity to partake of your knowledge and experience in the field of conference interpreting – and beyond… My time in Cambridge was indeed at times trying, yet I would not trade it for anything on earth and will forever cherish every second spent there.”
Lourdes Ruiz, 2008, Es, En
“Despite a degree of moaning and groaning about the utter difficulty of the Course, I did appreciate that the standards were set so high
Helen Ferguson, 2007, En, D, Fr
2025 Info at a Glance…
2025 session dates
10-23 August 2025
New CCIC English Intensive
23-25 August 2025
Working languages for this session
English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish.
Course Venue
Hilton Cambridge City Centre
Downing St,
Cambridge CB2 3DT,
More info…
2026 session dates
9-22 August 2026
CCIC English Intensive
22-24 August 2025